Cannabis Growing Guide 4/6 – Indoor Growing

28 01 2009

You can make a very professional weed growing room out of your basement, attic or guest room. By growing inside you are able to control the complete growing environment. It will require some knowledge though. We will give you an impression of what it means when you want to become an indoor weed farmer; a short description of the complete indoor cannabis culture. With some knowledge and “green fingers” it will be easier than you think.

The climate of the plant will determined by 3 factors: air, light and soil..

Fresh air
Besides a clean growing room is a proper ventilation fairly important. The more plants you have in one room, the more important good ventilation becomes. Plants breathe through their leaves. They also rid themselves of poisons through their leaves. If proper ventilation is not maintained, the pores of the leaves will become clogged and the leaves will die. If there is a free movement of air, the poisons can evaporate off the leaves and the plant can breathe and remain healthy.
Used air is hot so it is best to have the air outlet at the top of your room or closet. The air inlet should be at the opposite side at the bottom of the room/closet, this will create a good circulation. Make the inlet twice a big as the outlet, this way the room will be filled with fresh air fast. Take care no light spills thru the air holes, you don`t want your important light control to be disturbed.

Close all holes and chinks! It is of great importance your growing room is free of light from outside. The duration of the night is very important to cannabis so always use a timeswitch for a regular cycle.
During the first phase in the life of a cannabis plant, the growing phase, it needs a short night of 6 hours. As soon as we increase the duration of the night to 12 hours the second phase begins, the flowering phase. This mechanism we call photoperiodicity.

Perfect for indoor growing are high-pressure sodium lamps. Depending on the size of the room, you can use 400 Watt lamps or 600 Watt lamps. This choice is made in such a way that all the plants in the room can be illuminated as evenly as possible. By using 400 W lamps, you can put up one-and-a-half times as many lamps for the same electricity use as when using 600 watt lamps. Make the inside of your growing room white or cover it with reflecting film for optimal results.

Using Tube Lighting (TL) is also possible when you place the tubes very close to the plants. The production will be low though. Trying to grow weed with too little light would give you stretched out stressed plants.

Use the best soil you can get. Scrimping on the soil doesn`t pay off in the long run. If you use unsterilized soil you will almost certainly find parasites in it, probably after it is too late to transplant your marijuana. You can find excellent soil for sale at your local plant shop or nursery, K-Mart, Wal Mart, and even some grocery stores. The soil you use should have these properties for the best possible results:

  1. It should drain well. That is, it should have some sand in it and also some sponge rock or pearlite.
  2. The ph should be between 6.5 and 7.5 since marijuana does not do well in acidic soil. High acidity in soil encourages the plant to be predominantly male, an undesirable trait.
  3. The soil should also contain humus for retaining moisture and nutrients.

The most important thing to remember is to introduce the fertilizer concentration to the plant gradually. Start with a fairly diluted fertilizer solution and gradually increase the dosage. There are several good marijuana fertilizers on the market, two of which are Rapid-Gro and Eco-Grow. Rapid-Gro has had widespread use in marijuana cultivation and is available in most parts of the United States. Eco-Grow is also especially good for marijuana since it contains an ingredient that keeps the soil from becoming acid. Most fertilizers cause a ph change in the soil. Adding fertilizer to the soil almost always results in a more acidic ph. Remember to increase the amount of food your plant receives gradually. Marijuana seems to be able to take as much fertilizer as you want to give it as long as it is introduced over a period of time. During the first three months or so, fertilize your plants every few days. As the rate of foliage growth slows down in the plant`s preparation for blooming and seed production, the fertilizer intake of the plant should be slowed down as well. Never fertilize the plant just before you are going to harvest it since the fertilizer will encourage foliage production and slow down resin production.

Do not water your plants every day, but only after the top layer is dried out just check the soil every now and then. Don`t let the soil dry out. An important thing about watering is to see to it that the pot has good drainage. There should be some holes in the bottom so that any excess water will run out. If the pot won`t drain, the excess water will accumulate in a pocket and rot the roots of the plant or simply make the soil sour or mildew.
It is a good habit to spray your plants with water every day just after the lights are turned off.

The growing guide above is short end simple, but when you do as described you will surely succeed in harvesting some nice buds. Just do it and improve your growing techniques in the coming years.
You can make your growing room as complicated and expensive as you want.

<< Cannabis Growing Guide 3/6 – Outdoor Growing

Cannabis Growing Guide 5/6 – Male / Female >>



4 responses

25 11 2011
Paul Fitzimmons

high there is miracle gro moisture control compost any good for growing seeds??

2 01 2012
James NoHomo Martin

if it is not a release fert, the problem with miracle grow soils is the more you water the more fert it releases causing your plants to burn, you cant flush your plants soo no dont use it

9 12 2015
Bill Bentley


12 03 2013
Lousie Thomas

The above mentioned tactics are really important for growing marijuana indoors. Keeping your grow room clean is as important as a chef keeping a kitchen clean. There are some critical points that I came across and would like to share the information that the new indoor growers need to understand. Just refer the link below.

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